I was a couple of days late with this one, I apologise. Episode Two-Rise of the Black Doves was released on the 24th I wanted to publish this update along with my promotional stuff all in one go, but I was just overwhelmed, and needed to rest up; But article 106 titled, Book Launch, gives a fair summary of the writing journey thus far and also set’s readers up with what they’re to expect from the final third of Rise, a work I am very proud of.
I do truly believe that this latest instalment is my best yet in the series. Where Ep1-Dream had to adhere to certain rules, had to quite rightly show respect to the genre and was essentially proof to let committees across the board know, that I knew, what I was doing; Ep2 breaks free from such restraints and liberates me up to do what I’ve always wanted to do, to explore some dangerous ideas and risky plot threads that had to be left untouched in The Utopian Dream. Like learning to drive, you start under strict supervision, you’re getting used to being inside a vehicle, and it’s only after you’ve shown formulaic control of the engine, that you’re allowed to go off on your own, Ep2 felt this way very much. Rise of the Black Doves gives off the distinct air of being wild and unruly, and I’ve a few reasons for this - Volumes Four, Five and Six are genuinely far more exciting and generally better written in comparison to Ep1-Dream, as much as I like Dream, I will not deny that there is much room for improvement, whether this is because I’ve simply had more time to mother my skills as a writer with Rise, or the mere factor of time has enabled further development of my ideas, I suspect it’s a blend of the two schools of thought. Had I known what I know now, I would have executed Dream a little differently, the story would be the same but how we get there would be fiddled with. However, this is the nature of writing and making art, you’re always going to look back and wish you could have done things differently, your life experiences are always going to bless you with wisdom and knowledge, and no matter how well prepared you are going into something, a series in this case, the majority of artists do feel this way about their own work, and the only way to my mind, to effectively wrap your head around your short comings is to write some more.
Having re-read that last paragraph, it sounds like I’m being a little harsh toward Ep1-Dream, please do not misunderstand me, I do love it, without it I would not be where I am today, it’s still a solid story, it has within its content some remarkable scenes, memorable moments and introduces us to the legacy characters that we are familiar with today, without Ep1, Ep2 would not be as strong as it is, the book is history at this point, and I often refer to it when researching to make new content. It’s flaws however, are undeniable, meriting brutal conversation and improvement, and as a result, such flaws are ironed out in its successor, I’m happy to report on this - Yet more interesting flaws gradually arise. This is how we grow I suppose, maybe the perfect piece does not exist? Maybe we’ll never write or create something that is truly flawless, perhaps the journey, the strive, the efforts made to build something of such a standard is the best anyone can do.
Volume Six can be and has been described as merciless, I do not disagree, I’ll also accept relentless, devastating, frightening and dramatic, all these words are apt for what is to come, every chapter feels like writing a weird premature ending that bleeds into the next chapter becoming even more ruthless and shocking. In fact, this notion doesn’t stop until the very last line, the minute you think the book will ease up, it doesn’t, and the threats just keep coming, they keep pushing and pushing our characters to the limit, and it’s something fantastic to write and entertaining to read. From a writer’s perspective it’s an experiment, you’re testing them to see how the characters function at their best and at their lowest, but also, it feels rather cruel to punish them in such ways, for when I write my characters to me they’re their own selves, when writing such dialogue I’m not writing what I would say in such situations but what they would, it’s much like acting, and as the author it’s your job to embody such colourful spirits that aren’t you, that do not exist in this world and never will, it’s your job to be more than yourself; The trick is to create worthy adversary, organic conflict in a functioning world, a world that could exist. It’s not an easy task to satisfy, but if you’ve taken care to world build, if you’ve done the work and not cut corners then you will be rewarded with content and creative scenarios that write themselves.
It's time for me to sign off for a while, I’ve plenty to work on and so much to build. If you would like to support my Ancestral Odyssey, if you would like to help me, consider purchasing my work online or ask for it over the counter, consider a donation, talk to people who love make-believe worlds, intricate storytelling and share with them this odyssey. Episode One and two are complete, that’s six volumes in nine left to go, we’re almost half way there, help me make Episode Three-Seeds of War a more compelling read than Rise of the Black Doves, it’s a mighty ask but I know with your support it’s possible.
So happy to announce that Volume Five was released today! I know I promised to many personally that it would be out sooner, but problems have a habit of sprouting closer to the deadline. This would be the second delay as matter of fact, Volume Five was supposed to be released on the 13th of February, but my Graphic Designer, the chap who helped me with Volume Four, Mr Mathew Bevan, had to withdrawer due to clash of schedules, so I needed to find someone else to assist with the central emblem designs for both Paperback and Kindle Editions, so inevitably, the launch day had to be pushed back to the 9th of March. Mr Oliver Richards stepped in to help with said cover, and together we did our best to cut a new emblem from the same marble texture, which was used prior, all the while using the wrong software; I’d say we did a great job considering and we successfully finalised the cover for the Paperback. The Kindle however was much harder, I did my best, but it lacked polish after hours and hours of experimentation. Thankfully Mr Bevan returned and saved the day, however because of more complications unrelated to the cover, that launch day too had to be scrapped, to allow for some form filling fixes behind the scenes - I noticed that my ISBN’s on some of my published titles were scrambled; And so that led us to the xx of March, finally! Even though within the first few opening pages of Volume Five it says published on the 9th.
It’s available on Kindle and as a Paperback. If you cannot see it via my links or on the net, it was just released not an hour ago, it may take a little time to be visible everywhere, but I assure you it will be up very soon. I’ve still some technicalities to iron out, honestly the work never stops, but you’ve my word, it is here, and I am very, very excited as much as I am relieved. You will not see a Hardback copy, I only do Hardbacks for entire Episodes, and an Episode consists of three Volumes; For example:- Episode One-The Utopian Dream, consists of Volumes One, Two and Three, and Episode Two-Rise of The Black Doves, consists of Volume Four, Five and Six. My Volume Six is not released yet and won’t be for some time, it is currently being edited by the brilliant Joyce Bou Charaa, but whence it is released digitally and physically, I’ll work on the creation of a Hardback for Episode Two - This will be problematic as highlighted in the blog work because Episode Two is much larger than Episode One, so I doubt it will all fit under one roof, so I’ll have to get creative, I may even have to muddle the pot even further and release a two part Hardback, we’ll see when I check the dimensions, but my predictions for a singular Hardback for Ep2-Rise, are not looking good. On another topic, these latter Volumes (Four, Five and Six) are dedicated to my late Grandmother, Pauline Valerie Mather, who sadly passed in 2018. Had it not been for her, I would never have been able to create a Live-Action Trailer, she was one of my strongest supporters ever since I began this odyssey in the early 2000’s, she always made time to hear out my most recent ideas over cups of tea, and she had essentially heard every detail that made Ep2 what it was, she even said she was excited to read it, but tragically, she couldn’t. Pauline was just the best Grandmother, always there, always kind, warm, and thoughtful, and I’ll never forget some of the lessons she left behind, one such lesson was how to cook THE best tomato soup in the world, honestly, I cannot go back to canned soup having mastered this recipe, I even wrote about it in article 53 called, My Souper Van. Without her help, I doubt the project would have turned out as good as it did, so these most recent Volumes are dedicated to her, so thank you.
Today is about Volume Five, the second third of the second Episode of, The Ancestral Odyssey, and what can I say, you’re in for something wild, I promise you that you won’t be left in disappointment. Volume Five is home to some celebrated moments, expansions upon the lore, a revision of historical events that opens up more intrigue, the introduction to some lengthy plot threads and ideas that I’ve been eager to write about ever since starting this series. I’ve worked incredibly hard at this for so many years, no words I write here nor in any article I catalogue can properly articulate how much time and effort I’ve sunk into this thing, and that doesn’t just go for this most recent fifth instalment, but for the story as a whole; I cannot possibly begin to authenticate the hardship, it’s one of those things someone has to engage with on a personal level and to undertake themselves which will enable them to properly empathise, and that’s not coming from a place of pride or said in a smug way, I am positive there are aspects of life, certain jobs for example and lifestyles that I wouldn’t have a hope of understanding let alone being part of unless I dove in got my hands dirty, but just for some context from my own field of expertise - There has not been a day since I decided to write this series, where I’ve not worked on or thought about it to some capacity, and we’re close to the 21 year mark. It is surreal, launch days are a strange time, they’re the culmination of hard work, sacrifice, dedication, and anxious anticipation, not only is it exhilarating to reach such a milestone, but it’s incredibly euphoric, something that does not wear with time and honestly, it’s a little scary, because it will not be long after the release where I will get a sense of success from the general public, from family and friends to know that I’ve achieved the results I was hoping for, or not; But what is success? To me, success is when people come away from the book feeling like they’re on a unique journey, one that they can get on board with, that they can empathise with the characters struggles, can easily be immersed in the story, in this fictitious world, to get readers such as yourself away from the day-today grind, to allow for some escapism. Life is hard, it’s full of challenges and discomfort, it can be wonderful at times sure, but it can also be an utter horror show. A good story, an outlet such as this can make someone’s day just a little bit easier, it can give them something to talk about, something to think about and to look forward to toward the end of a busy day or week, and I feel, the more attention to detail creatives can cover within a work, the better the conduit of relatability toward the characters and the finesse of the stage you’ve painstakingly built from the ground up, goes toward a project that can be celebrated in a small and perhaps large way. As much as I would like to expand my reach, to grip new readers which will open up opportunities, it's important that I remember why it was I started to begin with; To tell a great story, to relay the importance of what is most valuable in life, and to challenge the epic fantasy genre, to do something different with the building-blocks all fantasy writers start with. If I can allow someone to transcend the drudgery of their routine for a moment, I’d consider that to be a success…And maybe one day when I am able to buy my mother a Porsche with some change left over, that will definitely be success.
I’ve recently written and published an article, article 102 called, Book Launch-Volume Five. This essay was written specifically for those who have read Volume Four, it brings readers up to date, it teases what is to come within this instalment and talks about some of the efforts made to get this far. It wasn’t easy but I do not give up, my path is set, the course is chartered, and I will continue with this odyssey until it’s finished, until all fifteen Volumes are written and completed. I hope you enjoy what is to come, if you’d like to reach out, I am not hard to get a hold of, but if you want to be a real star, leave a review somewhere or recommend The Ancestral Odyssey to someone who you think would like it. Thank you.
I cannot believe we’re at the end of the year already, it’s insane how quickly time flies, that being said, I’ve not been sitting still, there is always something going on, always something to work on, a new situation to handle, something to fix, something to update, something to learn, something to share or perhaps post, and this afternoon, I believe it is time to add to this Latest section - I do often as matter of fact neglect this page on the site; A lot of the time when I do decide to write a body of text for the section, I find other things that are more of a priority, and I just end up getting lost in the work. Sometimes I wake up with a list of things I’d like to do, I’ll make a coffee, open my laptop and before I know it, the sun is going down, the coffee is stone cold, and my stomach is screaming at me! I need to get better at time management, admittedly it’s not my strong point, but today I’ve some time, today I can write a page or two on the Latest section because I do have a few updates worth sharing. It’s a little hard to know where to begin, but the best place to start is with the progress of the book series itself, with The Ancestral Odyssey, so, let’s get started. Currently I am writing new content for Episode Three-Seeds of War, this makes me very happy, because kicking this story off has been a gnarly process to say the least. I’m still in the early stages of the writing phase despite starting a year ago because honestly, it is proving very difficult to follow on from the events of Episode Two-Rise of the Black Doves; So much has happened, so much chaos has ensued especially in final third, I’ve had to spend so much of my time re-visiting the second instalment before I could write even a single sentence, it is that complex, for it is not only about a continuation in the traditional sense, but I am doing my best to imagine logically - What comes next for these characters? How do they recover? How do they reintegrate into the series in a believable way which does not feel rushed, inauthentic, or forced, but organic. This is a troublesome challenge to have because there is a fear in me that some of these characters might be done!? I think my villains did their job too well in Ep2-Rise, that there is nowhere left for a lot of my protagonists to go. I’m unsure if this is a tremendous success or a catastrophic failure, I’m still in debate with myself. For most characters however, or at least for those that have made an appearance thus far into the story, it’s been a lot of fun, it’s been exciting, like meeting up with old friends you’ve not seen in a long time, and in some cases, it’s been quite emotional when re-engaging with them, especially after what has happened. Like acting, you almost have to step into their roles, not as the author, but as the character in question, you need to temporarily BE them, and you know you’re onto something special when you start to physically feel as they do. It will be a challenge to write Ep3-Seeds, it has a monumental task ahead and I am sure at the very least it will leave its own special unique mark on the series, hopefully a warmer one. At the core of this story is the theme embodying that of a journey, in Ep2-Rise we studied betrayal, and in Ep1-Dream we centred around purpose, so in summary, I am excited to visit Equis once again, to explore some of those far off corners of the map that up until now, I couldn’t touch. I cannot wait to expand the lore, deepen the history, study character, and set up intense sequences because you could make the case that this is my last chance to relax into the writing, to really descript Equis in every shade, to show you what it holds both beautiful and ugly, because come Episode Four-Rainbow Dawn, I will be busy, I doubt there will be much time for anything other than the focus narrative; So much is going to happen, my mind is full of ideas and possibilities, it’s almost endless in fact, and that in itself is a hindrance because you cannot write about everything, you need to weave a story told through the experiences of your characters and that somewhat dictates your story to you, at least if you’re a writer taking yourself seriously that is, it can become a problem. So even though I am the creator of this series, I too am restrained in terms of what makes sense to write about, for instance what themes and life lessons do I want to explore? What’s special to me? What is important? Where is the best place to touch the adventure with the colour of fantasy and where should it remain fixed in reality? All of these questions need to be considered when writing, especially when you’re embarking upon an epic, there might be many branches after all to tend to but it is all part of the same tree, I just need to try to keep the tree well maintained and well managed, so it doesn’t become one giant, sloppy mess.
I recently released a new music video, you can view it in the Video section on this website which will take you to the YouTube Channel, it’s called, A Path Sewn by Fate; The music was written by the lovely lass, Jilaine Wheatcroft, who also composed Isabelle’s Theme, which too can be viewed/listened to in the same place. The painting you’ll see was constructed by Ashley Mckenzie, and Alex Hunt cut the slides I made together, while giving it a sprinkle of splendour. The video is everything I had hoped it to be, the music is beautiful, the art and the edit is fantastic, everyone involved gave it their all, and I am ever so proud of them, truly am. I wrote about the process in article 99 called, The Masters Library, if you’d like to know everything there is to know about the significance of this library in the book, what thought process was behind it while it was being made, and the creation journey I/we went through to complete the tasks, by all means do give it a read, and if you’re really really kind, please share your input, whether it be to me privately, publicly on the YouTube/Bitchute Channels or leave your mark on the blog, it would be very much appreciated. Ashley and I are talking about what comes next, the music has already been written, Alex has already agreed to edit for me again, so really it’s down to myself and Ashley to figure out how to depict the next entry, which will be called, The Thief’s Priestess - The layout of the video will be the same, I care greatly about consistency in my work, I want it all to feel related, I think like this is important, like leaving your signature on each and every project you promote; So bar the music and artwork, the edit for the next music video will be something very similar to, A Path Sewn by Fate. We are also talking about the creation of a poster, pretending that Episode One-The Utopian Dream was a live-action feature film, and what the poster would look like. I enjoy these conversations, as much as I would like to see my odyssey be adapted onto the big screen, I’m also a realist, I know in my heart of hearts it’s likely not going to happen, but I like to dream about it, I like to play with the idea, it’s the ultimate form of escapism besides getting lost in the books of course, and sometimes talking to someone else about it makes it a little real. I lose myself in those moments sometimes, and after I experience the high, when I come back down to Earth and remember I have real world tasks to be getting on with, real life responsibilities to take care of, I feel like I want to stay in that fantasy - It’s becoming a problem for me, really and truly, I won’t babble on about it here, in fact I need to stop talking about this issue and do what I do best, which is getting on with the hard work. So, moving on. As talented as Ashley is, I am looking for a particular style, someone with a particular eye combined with enough skill to capture what it is I’m going for. As the creator of this project, it’s important to position people to where they’re best suited, to place them where they’re most powerful and not stray, and that’s what I intend to do. It’s the only way to increase your chances of success, play to your strengths, and as a team leader, be sure that everyone is where they are best suited.
As it goes for jobs, seeing as we’re here, there has been a new development, I am moving into another occupation come 2024, moving into something I’ve not tried before, another thing to add to the long list on the CV. I’ve already began sending out applications, was accepted by one this afternoon for an interview coming up in a few days, it came through by text so I’ve a date to prepare for, which is a little daunting. If I land the role however, it will mean more money in my account at the end of each month, it will indeed grant some experience in a field I’ve not yet been in before, and may open up some other doors, who knows what will happen - Of course, I’d rather work on this passion project full time, to be paid to be a writer, writing on a warm, distant, beautiful island somewhere close to the sea, that’s the dream. In my last blog post, article 101 titled, Taoteque Services, I detailed a new feature I’ve been working on, something that will perhaps grant me a little more freedom, and that’s an editorial and creative consultation service. If you’re interested, check out the Products section on this site, scroll all the way down until you come to Editing Services, everything you need to know is there and there are more details in the linked article. The creative consultation service, however is not quite ready yet, I spoke to my web-designer, we talked it out over the phone for about an hour and it will require some work, some time and some cash, but I am hoping it is all up and running for the new year - It’s going to be a very simple service, but in short, if you’re unsure about how to publish your work traditionally or independently, if you’d like some advice in this area or would like to discuss the plot of your book, character development, story structure and so on, you can book a 30 minute session of my time, and I can assist you as best I can, I’ll help you on your way; Why am I doing this? Because I couldn’t find anything like it when I was on my publishing journey, I had to essentially do everything myself and I made a lot of mistakes along the way, so many that could have easily been avoided if only I had someone just to gently guide me through the process which so easily can boggle you down, that is why I am doing this, to save you time and money you don’t have. I am also offering the usual Editorial Service, this IS up and running, all you need do is drop me an email and we can discuss a plan. Every plan is different so I cannot cover cost and timeframe on the site, but I will need to talk to you directly. Please remember that I specialise in traditional fantasy and epic fantasy. I am happy to look over science fiction and horror, but it is important for you to know these details about me, because choosing an editor who is right for you is crucial to bringing out the strengths in your story - It’s not just about finding what you can afford.
You will notice a few additions to the site, a few details will change here and there, when I move on completely from Episode Two-Rise of the Black Doves, when all of the Volumes are published and available for purchase, the colour pallet of the website will change from blood red to spring green, reflecting the season of, The Ancestral Odyssey. This won’t happen for a while yet though, Volume Five is still being edited by myself and Joyce, we’re both hoping it’s ready within the first quarter of 2024 with Volume Six to follow, only when they’re completed will we see the change from red to green. I know it’s only an aesthetic change, but this excites me. That’s it more or less, I’ve added to the Gallery, Video, Article, Products and Latest sections, but despite each tweak, regardless of the breadth of the additions, each tweak made is step of progress.
Thank you for reading this update, if you haven’t already, please sign up to the Newsletter found at the bottom of the Home page, it’s beneath the Reviews. When I reach a certain number of subscriptions, I’ll put out my first informative letter, also please subscribe to the blog and the YouTube/Bitchute Channels, every click and view makes a huge difference. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year, do take care of yourself and I wish you the best in your own endeavours.
Hello everyone, it's good to be back. To get started I hope everyone had a grand Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Apologies if I'm a little late to the game on this one, it is February after all, but in my defence, I've been pretty busy with Episode Two: Rise of the Black Doves and gunning for a new occupation in life. The old job simply wasn't serving me, it was crippling me in fact for a long time creatively and mentally, so I had to make a change. This behaviour is nothing new, I've been jumping from job to job since I was thirteen, I've had so many it’s hard to put a number on it now, all to pay my bills and fuel this book series which has made a wonderful leap. The only job in my experience that I really felt connected with, was the few I've had in film, but unfortunately film is extremely niche, often it's not permanent and is dependent on luck with whether or not you’re allowed to continue, and in my case the production team I worked with for about a year, had to disband. We still talk from time to time but professionally we all had to split. In December of 2022, my talented editor Mr Alan Hamilton completed the edit of the first third of Ep2-Rise (Volume Four), but expressed to me recently with respect, that he could no longer be part of the project. There are of course no hard feelings here, he has done a remarkable job, and his absence is/will be missed. Once his payment goes through, I will be in the market for a new editor, I've already been notified of a couple who might be interested, they are on my radar but until I bank my first paycheque, it will have to wait. I am delighted to announce however, that Rise of the Black Doves, Volume Four has been released, it took a very long time to examine the final edit from both a literary and creative standpoint before moving into the publishing stages, but a Kindle and Paperback Edition are now available for purchase on The Amazon Store. You’ve no idea how good that feels to say…Well type…I am ever so excited about this, I am very curious to hear what everyone makes of this first third, I’ve poured everything into it, it has been a long and wild ride, leaving me in a strange state of euphoria. For an even bigger, in-depth analysis of the work and what has gone on behind the scenes recently over November, December, and January 2022, you can check out my latest essay, article 89, it’s called Book Launch. All you have to do is either click ‘article 89,’ or you can return to the Home Page, click on the Articles tab and it will be the first one you see when you drop down, you’ll have access to all my essays from this page, hope you enjoy it, I knocked it out in a day but was something I had to do to compliment the launch of Rise.
I've been meaning to update everyone on the progress of the short film, let me assure you it's not scrapped, it's still on the agenda but unfortunately, I had to gently hit the pause button due to the sheer magnitude of the idea - For one person taking on such a task is massive, I really bit off more than I could chew, it's too much to pile onto yourself especially when I've zero financial backing, combine this with a schedule for the average person and it's almost impossible to make any sort of progress, but I'm not giving up. I've still a great team covering many of the bases, I have a tight script which I re-drafted last night and I’ve a plan which is in fruition to perhaps draw some attention and might secure funding. I realise how this sounds, all of this is wishful thinking, the chances of this being made are next to none, but we all have to dream right? My focus right now however is on the books and settling into a new line of work. I've been making strides to expand my reach, Amazon is the biggest marketplace in the world, it is a powerful tool and is a must for everyone who is selling, but it is understandable why many people have reservations about this service, so I think it be wise to find my work elsewhere, which is why I've been in touch with libraries, Gardner’s, Goodreads, I even saw a few ads on Facebook, one I bookmarked called Flamingreads; They assist in marketing books just like mine to the public, helping in drawing traffic to your sites and so on, something to look into. This is an avenue I should have gotten into a very long time ago; I've never been the best pitcher or marketer I’m not a suit, but this is no excuse, there comes a moment when you have to leap over those daunting hurdles, I’ve already left my old job for a new one so why not continue the trend? That’s about it in terms of updates, I could write more but why would you want to read this Latest section when you could be reading the first third of Rise of the Black Doves? It’s easy to find, search for it on Amazon by typing in my name or the name of the book, or you can once again return to the Home page, click the Products tab, and simply follow the links, super easy. Of course, if this is not your thing, that’s fine too, but I would ask if you share this site with someone who might be interested, I’d very much appreciate it. That’s the most recent update, I hope to add to this section more often, but I can only do it when significant moves have been made, but as I’ve already expressed, I am just one guy doing my best to create something. Do have a wonderful rest of day, week and month, feel free to reach out for any reason and I’ll reply when able. Talk soon everyone and take care.
So, the time is nearly upon us. I've ticked off many boxes this year, I've achieved so much and yet find it hard to actually point to anything concrete, to prove to you that this has been a very productive year. I guess the best place to start is in fact with this official website, a house so to speak where you can find the bulk of my work, you can read articles, view videos/listen to music, scan through a respectable gallery and sift through all the information you need to support The TAO Platform, it's all here folks, I hope you find it interesting, interesting enough to perhaps purchase Episode One: The Utopian Dream. It took me a very long time to get this far, it took a lot of patience, sacrifice, hard work and energy I did not even know I had to make all of this happen, all to provide what really is essentially a mere stepping stone to the next level, and the next level is of course, the production of the short movie. Before I even get into that however, I do have a few things I'd like to say, I need to give a big shout out the chap who helped me build the website you're currently viewing, Mr Jomin George. Thank you so much, not only were you patient throughout this long process, but you took the time to listen to what I wanted and ultimately made everything better, understanding that it was more about the work than the money side of things and that is a hard thing to come by especially in this day and age where prices are sky-rocketing, making everything far more difficult for the everyday working man. You're a true gentleman and I look forward with what we can do in the future, because this site among the others, never remains stagnant for long. Hopefully in the coming months we'll see/hear more music videos, I know for a fact there is more music on the horizon, music I am very excited about. There will be more articles (my next one really is going to be profound, I look forward to what you think) and I am going to get back in touch with the legendary Will Towns, he's been off my radar for way too long, so maybe he will provide more character concepts to add to the gallery. Long story short, there is a lot on the way, these things just take time and money. On that note; If you'd like to support me, if you'd like to see more artwork please sign up to the newsletter, it's totally free, simply scroll down to the bottom of the home page where you'll be asked to add your e-mail address, and you'll receive a PDF (sometime soon when I reach a certain number of subscribers) that highlights current events and opportunities I hope to open in the future. Also, if you happen to be an artist of any degree and would like to contribute, there are so many ways you can talk to me directly, the main one of which is to click the support tab on the site, scroll down until you see direct messaging links. You can also subscribe to my YouTube/Bitchute and WordPress channels, follow me on Amazon or purchase my first book using the links provided, but I encourage you to visit the products page before doing so, so you get a good idea of what it is you're buying, last thing I want to do is mislead or disappoint people, you guys mean the world to me, I never want to let you down I only want to produce good work. One of the great things I might add about building a platform such as this, is that not only do I get to grow my business (such as it is) effectively, but I get the chance to talk to people with similar interests and hobbies, people who work when they don't have to, when it's their time off from a day job but do it anyway, these people I adore and wish to create roads in which to hopefully work together with creatively. I never consider myself to be the smartest person in the room, in fact if ever I am in that position, I would immediately leave because there is no chance to grow or to learn in that environment, it's also a statement of arrogance to your character if you want this, to want to be that person surrounded by yes men is a fool’s errand. I'm not that person, it's a dead end if you ask me, I want to be surrounded by people with different expertise, so please, if you're an artist or a creative who likes epic fantasy, fantasy that leans into dark adventures, if you're someone with a burning passion for this stuff or if you like what it is I am doing and would like to add to this archive while building something in the process, feel free to message me, let's have a chat, let's shoot some ideas back and forth I'd really appreciate it, because what I am up against currently, scares the hell out of me, let's talk about the short movie.
I've covered plans for the film before, here in this segment I will be very brief but if you'd like to know more about this project, please check out article 77 and article 80 I promise these essays will bring you up to speed. Putting it simply however, I intend to shoot a short film ranging from 15 to 20 minutes long, this is particularly long for a short film, the average ranging from 5 to 10 minutes. The film will depict an interaction between two key characters at a pivotal moment in an iconic location, one that we've not seen before but has been mentioned in the books. Essentially, we're going to film a scene that will appear in Episode Three: Seeds of War, where we learn about two different perspectives, we're to blend it with some touches of intense action having honoured the technique of world-building and visual storytelling. The idea is to portray these characters as accurately as possible, to capture them as they have appeared in the books prior and to articulate their journeys effectively, no nonsense, no hidden messaging, no politics. Not only is this crucial in telling a good story (or at least a whisper of one), but it's also important to represent the world of Equis, for it is a character in itself. Costumes will be built by hand, I've yet to reach out to certain cosplayers, work on certain characters undergarments has already commenced I am happy to report. Location scouting too is underway, it wasn't long ago when I took a trip to Devon, to venture inside an ancient English forest, it was unreal to just stand inside the woodland and just listen while surrounded by nature. I've assembled a fantastic crew, some spots still do need filling, please write me if you'd like to enquire - for example I am looking for a handful of extras to play dead men, I'm looking for a pyrotechnician, a storyboard artist, and someone (a female) to play one of the lead roles. A script too has been written having gone through multiple drafts and likely will see further edits. Camera equipment has in fact been taken care of, I was fortunate enough to stumble across a chap who is willing to lend his gear and be an extra, this slices through the overall budget for which I am ever so grateful for, this has to be one of the hardest parts to overcome for independent artists for this is extremely expensive, but I've lucked out and have bypassed this rather high hurdle. I still require a few bits and pieces but for the most part I can clear it. I could go on, I could talk endlessly about what has been achieved, what is yet to be accomplished, making this latest segment into a 40-page thesis, but I'll spare you the riffraff and get to the point. I need help! Any starving artist I think will be able to empathise with finding the funds necessary to bring their vision to life, it's an uphill battle, chances of success are small but making that leap is the first step. Soon I am to start a Crowdfunding campaign, it will blow up this site, it will be all over my social media pages, the purpose of the official website was to house all my work into one spot so I can demonstrate to those who are interested, that I am indeed in this for the long haul. If you would like to donate, please click on the support tab and select how you would like to assist, whether it be a share of a link, a subscription or some cash this would be amazing, but please, let me stress - do not feel pressured, only donate if you would like to do so or if you feel like this is something you think is worth your hard earned money. I understand that this artistic field might not be your thing, I understand times are tough and you must prioritise yourself and others, we all do. However, whatever donation or contribution you decide to make will be appreciated, it will be saved and used on the film or another artistic endeavour. If you could, please leave a name or an alias so I can credit you, everyone who contributes I would love to list you as a supporter, for film making is after all a collaborative process.
The creation of a short film is an aspiring prospect indeed, it would be a dream come to true to tell a sliver of this story to come while glimpsing through a window to something bigger, but beyond this, I would like this TAO Platform to evolve one day, to become a space for all creators to share their works and ideas, to become a community, a square of artists free from the shackles of the mainstream currently constricted with meaningless quotas stretching a mile long, infused with toxic agendas that do nothing but muddy the creative and artistic pools. I would like to build a franchise; It will start with The Ancestral Odyssey and then some with the hopes of restoring culture to an ill society. It begins here, with you and I, please consider supporting the TAO Platform.
This has been a long time coming, but we’re finally here, this is attempt number three, or perhaps even attempt number four (I’ve lost count) at building an Official Website, a place to house most of my work for everyone to see, a place where TAO (The Ancestral Odyssey) can grow and develop online with regular updates. My first website was of my own design, it was colourful and vibrant but at the same time rather sterile. I made it the way I wanted to sure, but it was clear to a lot of people that I’d never made a website before. I designed every page myself in meticulous detail, concerning myself with the graphics that I lost sight of what I was trying to accomplish, and after a while, having taken a step back, it looked very amateur, not fitting a standard I wanted to meet, so it came down. The second website was only live for a few hours, this time suffering from something devoid of anything inspiring, it lacked life, and a sense of intrigue it could not have been more boring, passing for something you’d see in 1999, so I ripped it down to start over. The third website was much better, upon opening the site you were met with a neat animation, the drop-down menus were all there and clear to see, everything worked accordingly, I really dug the third attempt, and it was live for a good few months. The only problem was it was a bitch to update, it was almost impossible to add to the Gallery, inserting an essay to the Articles was fiddly as hell and the Product section was broken from the get-go. It also trafficked the wrong sorts of attention - when I used to visit the dashboard, I’d be messaged hundreds of times a day by advertisement campaigns, the kind of campaigns you didn’t want to be associated with, it was like your Junk folder found in your e-mails only it could not be deleted, and this was just one of many issues I was having I never felt truly in control of it. I didn’t delete it right away though, I only scrapped it after I performed a system update, thinking this was part of the course the update actually scrambled the whole dashboard breaking the site entirely for reasons unknown to me, I tried to reach out to the chap who helped build it but he was useless, so I dropped this wing of the project and focused my efforts elsewhere (which we’ll get to) planning to re-build a website in the future and here we are folks, what an absolute nightmare it has been but we’re back!
So, what’s happened since my last post, which was back in January, on the 18th 2002? So much has happened it is hard to list it all, I’ll do my best here but the ideal place to go where you can easily update yourselves is in the Article section of this website, skim through my last few essays and you’ll get a good idea with what has been going on. But in short, the final edit of Episode Two-Rise of The Black Doves is well underway, my editor and I have reached Chapter 17 out of 60, and I say this with complete honesty, Episode Two will not disappoint, it is actually the best thing I’ve ever done, it’s better than Episode One, it’s required so much more strength than making it’s Live-Action Trailer and it has set the bar high for Episode Three-Seeds of War, which has the grand task of not only raising the stakes, but to present something new. I’ve had more music made, quite recently in fact the guys over at Atlas Audio have made me a general overarching theme for Episode Two, like they did with Episode One just over a year ago, except this one was much more of a challenge. We’ve had a theme written by a young and talented independent musician, her name is Jilaine Wheatcroft, and she wrote and performed a piece for Isabelle Verano, one of the protagonists for Episode One. Isabelle was also drawn and coloured by concept artist Will Towns, her picture appears at the beginning of the video and not for long enough, it is a stunning drawing, one of my favourites, he also completed a concept of Lucretia, and a horrifying monster called The Tunneller, which you’ll come to learn more about when you read Ep2-Rise, speaking of which, if you would like to know more about this creature, check out my essay in the Article section called, Driads: A Story of Woes, not only do I delve into some of the history of my story, but you get an insight into a race called the Driads, specifically the origins of The Tunneller, it’s one of the coolest articles I wrote this year, I hope you check it out and tell me what you think, it’s one I am very proud of and look forward to expanding upon. I’m making progress with the short film; it’s moving at a snail’s pace but now this website has arrived I can finally move onto the Crowdfunding process. For more information on that, I am writing a series of essays until the film’s completion called The Road to the Film, I’ve two written so far subtitled ‘Assemble’ and ‘Funding,’ I do have a third on the way, but that will depend upon the coming weeks. As far as the writing goes, I am still encroaching on Episode Three-Seeds of War, I do plan to dive in further because this story unlike the others is my last chance to be as creative as I please, what I mean by that is I do have a plan with where this is all going, I do know how it ends, but in order to make that ending into the enormity that which it is, that a story of this size rightly deserves, one must begin its end soon, so Seeds truly is the last chance I’ll have to really indulge in a writers liberty with creativity, so long as it serves, I intend to make this into a thriller you will not forget, all the while doing my best to give my world of Equis a touch of beauty in the process, because thus far I feel like we’ve only seen the dark side.
Enjoy the site guys and look forward to the updates for which there will be many, as always if you’d like to support my work, please consider purchasing my books from the Products page, share what you can when appropriate, read as many essays as you like, and do not hesitate to reach out if you’d like further insight into what it is I am trying to accomplish. Take care of yourself, see you soon.
Welcome back, I hope everyone had a pleasant Christmas and a Happy New Year. I had a well-deserved well relaxed couple of days, I could have done with a few more but I simply cannot afford to stop working, my day job funds everything you see, everything from the creation of artworks, maintenance that I lack the skills to fix, to the content you’re about to see, and I want this to work to continue for as long as I am able. Just a mild update on some old news before I dive into the meat of this most recent milestone – I’ve still had no response regarding my film script. I wrote a script/screenplay a few months ago, a short film that depicted a fierce encounter between hero and villain at a key location, a location you’ll come to learn about in Ep3-Seeds of War. It was complete with detailed storyboards, well thought out dialogue, images of ideas for sets and further suggestions and notes considering my thoughts on certain scenes, and how we would as a crew be able to get this done, but I’ am still waiting for a response. I’m sure one will come I just do not know when. Of course, I’d love for this project to be given the go ahead, I’d love to report back to you with positive news, but I cannot do that, at least not yet, even if it’s a hard ‘No’ I am trying to encourage my optimistic side, a side which is often trodden on and rejected. One way or another I will not stop trying, one way or the other my dream to make a watertight film, short or otherwise, underfunded, or well-resourced will become a reality, this is after all what I live for, there is nothing else.
As for the sequel to Episode One-The Utopian Dream, the editing on the book is well underway. I received an e-mail from my accomplished editor not long ago, I’ve yet to respond but I’ve been told that the Introduction, the Historical subsection at the start, and Chapter One have been completed. Once I review the work, I will insert the text into the template of what will become Episode Two-Rise of the Black Doves, from there I will enter the final phase, the publishing phase, and begin formatting the work for Kindle, Paperback and Hardback. Unlike my first attempt at this back in 2016 with Ep1’s release, I will release this next instalment all in one go, you’ll see an announcement on my Twitter, my blog, on this official website and that will be that; That’s all I can do with what little resources I have, the choice to purchase this work however will be down to you. I hope you give me another chance; I cannot apologise more than I already have for the shambles that was The Utopian Dream’s release, but I am going to keep doing it, I wanted everything to be perfect from start to finish, I wanted a clean journey, but I learned that that was just not the case, and I’m sorry, I feel like I’ve failed you. Although I am extremely excited about Ep2’s launch, after everything it has gone through for about five to six years, having been created, re-created, deleted and redone, after all the problems that have plagued the project since that initial spark, that weight that mantles my mind and shoulders will be lifted upon its release, this is something to be desired, a sensation I’ve yet to experience, I cannot wait, but I would be lying if I wasn’t ever so slightly concerned with the final hurdle. I am worried about the word count, allow me to explain. If it grows too large, I will have to alter the size of the books such as they’re height. In isolation this is no big deal, it happens to accommodate one’s work, I get it, but this is going to be part of The Ancestral Odyssey library, a legacy of books that take up shelf space in one’s book collection. Preferably I’d like it if they all were off roughly the same size, varying in width or course but of the same height, that way it will look professional, orderly, and structured. If the word count is too high, I may be working on anther edit for a further few months to reduce its word count, missing the deadline for The Readers Favourite Awards and perhaps even delaying the episode for another year, a year that I should be focusing on Episode Three-Seeds of War. Concerns aside, we can only work toward the outcome we desire, and that is exactly what I am going to do until the day comes where the library is complete. I wish for nothing more than to have some semblances of a youthful life left in me when this is done. This goal however unrealistic is achievable, I’ll do my best.
The update I’d like to highlight is a music video. It’s a piano piece written and performed by Jilaine Wheatcroft and is called Isabelle’s Theme, the lead protagonist of Ep1-The Utopian Dream. It’s true you can find similar videos online, only I made the decision to included footage of Jilaine playing the piece and incorporated it with a colourised sketch of the character. This may not seem that impressive but when you consider that the artist of the sketch Will Towns, has never worked in colour before, when you consider that this is the first time Jilaine too has written this way, I’d say the results are something to be celebrated. I documented Jilaine’s process and touched upon a further insight into why the stories we/you write matter, in my latest article called, The Storytelling Medium. It’s ten pages long, it’s loaded with extra content, do check it out if you’ve the time. I enjoyed writing the essay very much, I enjoyed working with Jilaine, I would indeed work with her again on another character if she is onboard, and as always working closely with Will Towns is always a pleasure.
There have been additions added to the Gallery, such as some loose blueprints for Lucretia’s gun-sleeve along with a sketch of Lucretia herself, Lucretia being the very first character I ever created, such a very long time ago at a time when I did not know what I beheld. Isabelle’s depiction has of course been included both colour and black and white. I look forward to the next image, depending on what Will chooses to work on it’s likely we’ll see something beautifully horrifying, something I believe you’ve not seen before, a creature of abnormal proportions, we’ll see but I digress. I wrote an article before Christmas, it’s called Firing on all Cylinders, it gives you more info on the ins and outs on the short film, well worth checking out. I’ll leave it at that. Please watch the music video, let Jilaine know how you feel about her performance and Will for his skills at drawing in the comments, I’m sure they (and myself) will appreciate your feedback. If you’d like insider knowledge about my TAO Platform, I’ve an archive of articles on the website that stretches over seventy now, a Gallery we’ve just talked about that’s rather respectable and a Donation page where should you want to contribute, options are available to do so. The Bitcoin link however is currently broken, I am considering having it removed, so please steer clear for now because it does not lead anywhere. Donation or not, thank you for reading this far, I hope you enjoy what I am trying to build, I hope you consider supporting me and my crew.
Already I am looking forward to the next segment.
Hello everyone, this particular page has been in need of an update for quite some time, but there have been some essays included to the Article section, one of which I am very proud of, it’s called ‘The Irreplaceable: Final Fantasy VII,’ not a review or a breakdown but an in-depth analysis into why it resonates with so many people and why it’s special to me as a gamer, as a storyteller. Truly, it is one of the greats and well worth your time even though it’s dated. If you’re a fan of Final Fantasy VII, I hope you enjoy my essay. If you’re new to the game however perhaps it’s best you steer clear of the article for the time being, because I do get into some major spoilers and trust me, you do not want this story spoiled. I also wrote a follow up to my ‘A Handful of Horrors’ article called ‘A Handful of Horrors 2,’ where I list off five more horror films or films with some horror elements laden throughout. If you’re interested in the horror genre maybe you’ll find something there of value, I do enjoy writing about such things. In the Gallery section a new image has been added, a concept sketch by artist Will Towns, it’s one of Lucretia, a character who makes her appearance in Episode Two-Rise of the Black Doves, and what an appearance it is, I cannot wait for the next instalment, I promise it will deliver.
As for the release of Episode Two, I am in the market for a new editor, but what with the size of the book spread over three Volumes and my current financial situation, finding someone both affordable and professional is proving difficult. For anyone reading this, if you know someone in this field of work who could perhaps help in this regard, do not hesitate to contact me directly at taotome@outlook.com it would be greatly appreciated.
I do intend on Rise’s launch as soon as possible; I believe if I persist it will be released in 2022 ready for the Readers Favourite Awards; It has been a work in progress for an enormous amount of time for which I apologise especially to you veteran readers. I’d love to do this fulltime; I’d love to write as a career but so few authors find themselves in that wonderful position and must maintain a couple of day jobs to keep everything running. Maybe in the future I’ll be able to report on such good news, but in the meantime it’s just not to be. There is light on the horizon for 2022, there is plenty underway, my man Will is currently sketching the protagonist of Episode One-The Utopian Dream, Star Caller Isabelle Verano, and I’ve plans for this next concept. For instance, I hope to have this image coloured which would be a first. I would like to fit the image with a painted background and to serve as the base for a piece of music being written by an extremely talented pianist, music which I’ve sampled most recently and it’s incredible, honestly, I am lost for words, we’re still in those early stages but already she is hitting all the right notes. Not only will the Gallery grow a little larger because of this but so too will the Video section, it’s going to be great whence this project is complete, please keep an eye and catch it when you can.
Finally, I’ve had ambitions to make another Live-Action Trailer for a long time, I’ve had dreams to make short movies before but have always been held back due to lack of funds and time, but given my experience and the connections I’ve made over the past year, that dream may soon be a reality, for I turned in my first script yesterday, handed it over to someone who knows more about screenplays than I do, and I am just waiting for her to write back with her thoughts. No doubt it will need some work, no doubt I’ll need to tighten the script, but I am enjoying this new way of writing, I’m learning a lot. This update may not be as large as the last but it’s a step toward something bigger, I’ll try not to leave it so late next time.
2022 is going to be an exciting one.
So, here we are, my first update on my official website after its launch, and it’s an exciting one as well as a large one to put it lightly. So much work has been completed and I could not be happier with the results, but before I jump into it, let me just give a big thank you to all those people who are and have visited this site, who are reading my blogs, viewing the artwork, the videos and who are of course, purchasing my first book titled The Ancestral Odyssey: The Utopian Dream. I really do appreciate your viewership and investment. I’ve received many messages from people I know personally and otherwise, saying how much they are enjoying what I am putting out and would like it to continue. One e-mail, sent from a reader in Australia expressed inspiration from my blogs which is ever so kind and thoughtful of her. It’s such e-mails and messages that too give me the strength to push on, because what I am doing can get rather daunting. I am working diligently to bring you as much material as I can with what resources I have. For those who have asked, yes, I am still working on Episode Two - Rise of The Black Doves, I am nearing the end of Volume Six, chipping away at Chapter 55 - The Chimney to Hell, I’ve a feeling it will be the largest chapter I’ve written so far, admittedly work on the book has been slower than usual due to this abnormally large update, I still have a long way to go but I can honestly s ay with hand on heart, Ep2-Rise is going to be utterly fantastic, it’s going to be something special guys and I cannot wait until it’s all done, you are in for a riot of a sequel, for one hell of a read, I could not be more excited, but these things do unfortunately take time, what with my working life, the daily grind, the editing costs for a project this large, it’s all really slowing things down, but I thank you for your patience. Now then, on with the show.
Music has always been an important part of my creative process. I brought this up in my first documentary titled A Year for a Moment released a little over a year ago, and I have written about this throughout many of my articles. Without music, TAO (The Ancestral Odyssey) would simply cease to exist, I doubt it would be anything today without the inspirational joy music has brought. It’s a huge ingredient to creating such a grand story and its characters therein that carry the plot. So, it was extremely exciting for me when I teamed up with Atlas Audio, with Julian Kirk and Alex Adams to discuss the possibilities of a piece of music married to my first instalment. Not only have Atlas written and composed me a piece of music to go with my first book, a piece that lasts three and a half minutes capturing the essence of the adventure, but they also partook in the creation of a featurette/documentary covering the making of Ep1-Dream, it’s called, Building a World. A collection of behind the-scenes photos have been added to the Gallery.
You can find this latest documentary in the Videos section on this site. You can find supporting essays that go into further details of the creation process in the Articles tab, four have been added and I suggest you check out Atlas Audio here at www.atlas-audio.co.uk these guys are pros. Inside the Gallery are a few more behind the scenes pics provided by Atlas working on the feature. Please do have a look if you’ve a moment, the work that goes into projects like this is astounding, and one view is not a small thing, it makes all the difference.
I did not work alone, unless it comes to creating new content for the books, I rarely work alone these days, my phone and e-mails are always pinning. No, I joined forces with a familiar young artist, Miss Beverley Wass, a soon to be Doctor currently finishing a PHD. She studies movement, Yoga, and has plans to build her own Pilates studio on the coast. Beverley is also learning how to cut jewellery and craft decorative pieces in her spare time, she was the one who not only delivered me a concept piece of Draygo’s weaponry but made me the silver pendent which is almost too precious to wear, I would hate for it to break or be lost. All of this is viewable in the Gallery. She was the one who provided the camera equipment, gave me access to a set, and handled the interviews personally. Do her as you will Atlas Audio a solid and visit her on Instagram via Empotheica_Artistry. She is a wonderful woman, be nice guys, share with her some love because like with everyone I work with, from actors, animators, directors, and musicians, we’re all starving artists here trying to find our way in a world that seems to crush creativity.
Mr Will Towns has sketched a concept of one of my lead antagonists, Xavien. If you’ve read The Utopian Dream, you will be familiar with the terror this creature brings to the page. I think you’ll be surprised as to how he has evolved over the series since his initial appearance. Find him in the Gallery.
Other updates to the site have been made, some are more obvious than others, such as the Donate button is now visible in the side window becoming easily accessible, whereas before it was hidden when you enter the Contacts Page. All donations will funnel into a fund for the creation of a new Live-Action Trailer promoting Episode Three-Seeds of War. In the next update I am hoping to make a tally visible, a tally with a cap of £5000. Once we hit that mark, I’ll use that money to fund the trailer and any leftover will go towards a charity of my doners choosing. A new Products Page has been added, this is where you will be able to find all my current offers and what you’ll expect from them. The site is now secure, this was truly bugging me for a while but now it has been fixed. A few background images have been altered to make it easier on the eyes. If you decide to donate, don’t forget to leave me your name/alias so I can thank you in my next update and in the credit section upon the trailer’s completion. Also, if you happen to purchase a Special Bundle from the Products Page know that a portion of that money will go into the tally.
I hope you enjoy the documentary I painstakingly edited together myself. I hope you like the music Atlas created as much as I do. I hope you like the look of Xavien, sketched by Will Towns and find the complimentary essay’s I’ve written nourishing. I’ve no comment section on this site just yet, perhaps upon the next update this will be addressed, in the meantime please please please drop by my Bitchute or YouTube channels, you can find the links in Contacts and share with me your thoughts there. Whether you like what I am doing or not, I’d love your feedback.
Finally, we’ve a theme coupled with Dream.
Hello everyone and welcome to The TAO Vault. This is where all my work and the work from those who contribute to this project can be found. First things first, TAO is an abbreviation of The Ancestral Odyssey, which is the title of my epic fantasy book series, a series I have been working on since my teenage years starting somewhere between 2002 and 2003. So far, I've finished the first entry called; The Utopian Dream and I am nearing the completion of its sequel, Rise of The Black Doves. I plan make five entries into the series, five Episodes each with their own themes and unique messages I feel are important. I've also ideas to write seven short stories, a broken historical account that leads up to the events of The Ancestral Odyssey, this series will be called The Mythorigins.
The TAO Vault is simplistic to navigate, here under the title of LATEST you'll be met with a status report, the most recent update, whether it be a new piece of added artwork, an upcoming event I'll be attending, a progression analysis, anything informative to the nature of my work will be found here.
If you click ARTICLES, you'll be taken to my essays listed from most recent to oldest. They can also be found on taoscribe.wordpress.com a Blog site which I've been building since 2016. I've over sixty to choose from and there are always more on the way. Click on your preferred title and you will enter The Reading Room. I hope you enjoy the reads, goes best with a beverage in hand.
The GALLERY is amazing. I've always been a very visual writer, I picture the scene down to the finest detail before I start, I have to see it in my mind before anything can happen, so to see imagery of my characters, my world coming together is a real treat and I hope you think so too. Not only will you be able to view character concepts, but you'll be granted access to poster art, behind the scenes photos and some experimental pieces.
My first contribution to the VIDEOS section was a short trailer to The Utopian Dream released in 2016. Since then, I have been collecting all the videos relating to this project. Obviously, some are more detailed than others, but you'll find trailers, interviews, and other interesting segments. Simply click on the video you'd like to watch, and it will play. I've never had the aspiration to become a Vlogger, but if you head over to my YouTube and Bitchute Channels, a like, a comment or a subscribe would be appreciated. Please bear in mind however, Videos are not frequent.
The ABOUT page will see very few updates in comparison to the others. It's simply a section where you can see and learn a little about me, the author of The Ancestral Odyssey, the new fantasy epic.
Finally, we have the CONTACT page. Here you will be able to find all the relevant links connecting to my work, from my Blog, my YouTube, Bitchute and Author Page sites. More importantly you will find the link to where you can buy my first book The Utopian Dream. If you decide to make a purchase, thank you; I recommend downloading it digitally for your Kindle Device, or ordering (new) the Paperback Edition-Volume One. These formats are far more user friendly than the daunting Hardback Edition. There is an e-mail address you can contact me directly on if you've an inquiry or question and information on how you can contribute to the Gallery/Videos if able.
A DONATION page is accessible if you feel like helping with the creation of this project, because right now I am funding this whole thing on a basic income and any assistance would be greatly appreciated to speed up production.
Big shout out to Will Towns and Bojan Sucevic for their artistic contributions in the Gallery, your work is unbelievable. Thank you, Oliver Richards for your visual effect's wizardry, Michael Lumb for your editing expertise and James Van Nguyen for your grand work during the live shoot. Same goes for actors Chris Schweppe and Holly Yohanne for portraying two of my characters. Special thanks to Andrea Louro Fernandez and Mike Urbizo for putting together this website, it was quite a task with my vampiric schedule. I could not have done this without you. For whoever is reading this and would like assistance on a website, please get in touch with Andrea via; www.lourowebdesign.com and Mike at mike.urbizo@gmail.com