“Most of my articles are written to give readers of The Ancestral Odyssey additional content, though some are a departure and focus on other interests such as insights into my writing process, glimpses into my inspirations and ambitions for the future. While most of these essays I am indeed proud of, some are far from perfect and could do with a touch more elaboration perhaps even another edit, and there are a few where my views and opinions have altered since their publication. I could have cut those at fault from the site entirely, but evolution is key to one’s growth. To note; At the end of most of my articles are a series of relevant links to my sources, some links however have been removed from their original location. If you happen to stumble across one that fails to load, please do let me know and I’ll edit the slot asap or provide an additional link. I hope you find enjoyment in my articles and do not be shy to comment or suggest a topic. Thank you.”
"The courage to tackle difficult themes and realistic emotional challenges within such a wild, unpredictable setting sets this book apart from typical fantasy fare, pushing readers to examine their own beliefs and assumptions the deeper they get into the ensemble cast's personal stakes in their respective missions."
3rd January 2025 12:41pm
"There is a reason why I've called this article THE Aliens: Dark Descent Review, in the hopes that someone from the studio sees it."
30th October 2024 08:25pm
"The developers giving way for the human imagination to dream up its own nightmarish vision thats organically suited and seasoned to the consumer, but I am also not opposed to the brainstorming of ideas either."
23rd August 2024 03:25pm
"The author brings out some exciting scenes that create plot twists no one had ever expected, and that's what makes every chapter so unique to read."
16th August 2024 06:50pm
"All things said, The Ancestral Odyssey is a masterpiece of a saga and Gill is a writer worth following. Very highly recommended.”
4th August 2024 06:06pm
"It wasn’t engineered or purposefully organised to throttle Ep1-Dream, it came about naturally because that is where the story led me, and if the story leads me into shocking places, I am certain it will lead you there too, giving the work an elegant grace that cannot be replicated but only celebrated.”
25th July 2024 11:46am
"The best tool a writer can possess cannot be bought nor can it be given, it's cultivated."
28th May 2024 05:40pm
"Write in such a way that it doesn't feel like it has been written."
27th May 2024 11:22am
"This is the challenge writers have if they've respect for themselves and their material, the challenge of making something emotional and tangible, something that feels alive."
15th April 2024 04:12pm
"Perseverance is the key to success, and I don’t ever give up.”
14th March 2024 05:33pm
"Every project is different, and no plan is the same."
10th December 2023 07:01pm
"I'll take the long way around."
29th Novemeber 2023 08:17pm
"I certainly have a vision for this scene and the world of Equis, absolutely, but because we're world building, it's important to recognise that I do not know everything, that my own creativity can be layered with someone else's touch and as a result while careful to consider your own wisdom on the subject, the work improves as a whole."
22nd November 2023 06:38pm
"You do not need demonstrable power, to be powerful."
9th September 2023 02:15pm
"We all have to pay our dues."
31st August 2023 06:30pm
"A game that challenged my position on religion, God, existence and what it means to be human."
22nd August 2023 07:43pm
"A writers life is an inadequate mix of boring and crazy that wavers on a daily basis, take a step back and you'll see that it's an interesting puddle of wonderful sludge to observe."
22nd June 2023 09:39pm
"Duncan William Gill offers fans of fantasy fiction a truly dark and experimental work where all the boundaries of storytelling are pushed."
20th May 2023 03:40pm
"One could make the case that music eases the conduit from conception to creation, without it, the process to write would be much harder."
19th May 2023 05:11pm
"I am ever so grateful for those of you who stick by and have become invested, it does mean the world to me, and I hope I do not disappoint."
8th May 2023 04:03pm
"The environments are absolutely stunning, the mass of twisted machinery, intricate tools and abnormal creatures all wrapped in a Lovecraftian, Giger'esque layer are phenomenal."
30th April 2023 06:38pm
"I'd rather a genuine review over one with perfect praise."
22nd April 2023 03:23pm
"Through the baptism of fire, we rise."
13th February 2023 02:43pm
"I've definitely become somewhat sober for delving through this incident and it has served learning about the dark side of adventure."
13th December 2022 08:45pm
"It takes all sorts to make a world, the fictional worlds are not exempt."
14th November 2022 07:10pm
"The things that scare us, unify us."
30th October 2022 04:28pm
"Without music, life would be meaningless, and without meaning what is life?"
27th October 2022 02:47pm
"The shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real things of it's own. I don't think it gave life to the Orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them."
2nd September 2022 07:32pm
"Learning about that initial spark, that original idea of a film, book, game or other can reveal a lot about the works identity."
25th July 2022 08:11pm
"When subjugated to failure are we tested, and only when we choose not to rise are we truly defeated."
6th July 2022 04:34pm
"I'll do my best with the knowledge I possess to deliver something at least worthy of your attention that comes from an honest place."
20th June 2022 10:29pm
"If anything is going to put an end to this vision it WILL be from the barrel of the gun held by the funding."
19th June 2022 02:08pm
"Call me a hypocrite, this is fair to some degree, but find someone who isn't - I'll wait."
15th June 2022 08:17pm
"I am not saying evil is winning, what I am saying is evil has already won."
14th June 2022 09:45pm
"Deprive a man of his work, his passions or purpose and he loses that which gives himself meaning."
4th May 2022 10:30pm
"It all depends on where you place your values, I know where I put mine."
11th April 2022 08:38pm
"Evil is corrosive, so much so that it destroys everything it touches, even itself."
7th April 2022 08:02pm
"We all fail from time to time, but it's not the failure that defines you as a person, but what you do to better yourself from it."
9th March 2022 05:17pm
"It's not enough to be creative, you need to be creative with the things you create."
17th February 2022 06:25pm
"The stories you write matter."
18th January 2022 04:21pm
"It's ever so tiresome."
18th December 2021 04:24pm
"Why do we subject ourselves to such horrors?"
16th November 2021 11:24am
"In order to understand the end, you must go back to the beginning."
18th October 2021 01:23pm
"I will be objective with H's films too, holding his work to the same scrutiny as others, it's important to remain consistent."
10th August 2021 05:24pm
"Every day it creeps a little closer, with the passage of time at its feet. It's coming for us all, and the only way to evade it is to make some choices."
9th June 2021 01:29pm
"I'd rather rot in a prison cell than live under such rule, for at least then I'd be free."
11th May 2021 07:25pm
"My vision does not just manifest in this series of five, it transcends to a place where imaginations can thrive and find life."
23rd April 2021 01:30am
"If you find yourself in the fortunate position to make films, write books or music you will at some point learn where your principles lie."
20th April 2021 09:16pm
"As writers we've been taught to find a voice, I say find your voices."
19th February 2021 02:10pm
"Idle hands are the devils workshop."
31st December 2020 04:45pm
"H is not relying on spectacle to translate his narrative, he is relying on story."
24th November 2020 05:40pm
"Villains do not necessarily have to be in the form of someone or something."
24th November 2020 01:43pm
"I will reveal the greatest horror movie of all time, one that we all can agree on without question."
30th October 2020 10:44pm
"Ever since Abe's palm was raised to the moon I raised mine too, I joined his cause."
29th August 2020 08:53pm
"A seed of Alien, the gift that keeps on giving."
25th July 2020 09:33pm
"I decided to embark on an exercise, an exercise which more than likely has a name, but I cannot put my finger on it, so I just called it a jamming mish mash."
6th July 2020 11:18pm
"Do the work, because no one is going to do it for you."
12th June 2020 10:37pm
"A line not bound by blood, but by the spirit, a tether only Star Callers can see."
6th June 2020 07:05pm
"If everyone ate this good, you'd see through the bullshit and focus on what is important to you."
2nd June 2020 09:57pm
"These trials, these hurdles, obstacles whatever you want to call them, are not only hinderances, but they are actually beneficial for the creatives."
26th May 2020 05:59pm
"It's time to break these characters down, put a sexy 'versus' in the title, and finally land on one side."
10th April 2020 08:14pm
"Before The Ancestral Odyssey there was the Mythorigins."
6th April 2020 09:53pm
"If you've not figured it out by now, I am an introvert extremist."
3rd April 2020 07:12pm
"This is an important scene, one that I've been looking forward to for years and finally it's here."
21st November 2019 08:38pm
"Go to seek out a greater perhaps."
13th October 2019 01:02am
"I always knew I needed to go live-action, the only question was when and how?"
13th October 2019 01:00am
"Am I seriously about to tell the writers of Game of Thrones, that this series was never about the iron throne!?"
8th May 2019 01:52am
"Any reality TV show you can think of, anything to do with auditioning, game shows, judges and tired tedious storylines I consider to be rubbish and not worth my time."
12th April 2019 07:57pm
"On March 8th, 2019, I will not be seeing Captain Marvel, instead, I will be seeing Alita: Battle Angel, that movie actually looks like it was made with passion, from a creative team of people who care deeply for the source material."
1st March 2019 10:42pm
"I hope you enjoy this spoiler review of Alien: Isolation, for your information I've finished the game multiple times on Normal and Hard, and I am currently playing it on Nightmare."
9th January 2019 02:10am
"A piece of advice for any young or aspiring writer..Travel..Do not leave your work behind, take it with you, with an open mind. I promise you that you'll benefit greatly."
13th Spetember 2018 03:37pm
"An article that ends the debate between which is the better movie and why Alien3 is indeed a great instalment, a worthy ending to the trilogy and why Alien: Resurrection is just not up to scratch."
13th September 2018 03:35pm
"I am not pulling the book anymore, it is pulling me."
13th July 2018 02:15am
"Now, I get to open the creative lid once more and dish out some fresh new material."
27th May 2018 11:37pm
"Here, I will be detailing some of my thought processes, delving in a little deeper to certain aspects of The Ancestral Odyssey."
16th May 2018 08:48pm
"To hook audiences from the very get go, to have a cinema in complete silence was an absolute treat."
12th May 2018 06:35pm
"You are the star of your own epic journey, who are you going to be?"
17th February 2018 12:49pm
"Love in such a way that allows the other to feel free."
11th February 2018 10:10pm
"I'll be focusing on females found in games, I'll be fair and list off six."
23rd January 2018 10:46pm
"At the end of the day it is the little things that count and I strive to hold onto the little things, now and always."
4th January 2018 08:50pm
"Good trailers are supposed to be short and sweet, running for one to two minutes max!"
5th December 2017 12:32am
"Responding to an article title: To the men on the other side of #Me Too."
19th October 2017 01:56pm
"There is war, horror, and hope threaded with skill through a plot both epic in size, scope and undertaking, and this only scratches the surface of the magical world."
13th October 2017 11:55pm
"A novel with a dynamic storyline that makes it one of the best fantasies I have read this year."
9th October 2017 02:25pm
"The author plunges the reader into a world that has it's own customs and laws, its culture and unique features. The colourful descriptions make the setting come to life in the minds of readers."
2nd October 2017 10:57pm
"These are just a fraction of the games I played as a youngster and have appreciated all the more as I've gotten older."
31st August 2017 07:45am
"Once you learn that success depends on what you put in, that determination and dedication is absolutely key, nothing becomes impossible."
12th August 2017 06:32am
"Here is a letter addressed to all those people who doubted me."
1st August 2017 01:56pm
"I've been with this franchise since I was a youngster, I saw it when I was too young and nothing, nothing has ever come close to re-creating the claustrophobic terror of Alien."
2nd July 2017 11:23am
"Gradually, as the years ticked by, the world began to build itself without my presence."
11th June 2017 03:19am
"I hope you enjoy one of my favourite moments in Episode Two - Rise of the Black Doves. Grab yourself a coffee before you immerse yourself once more in the world of Equis."
26th May 2017 07:39am
"Epic does not do this story justice, I need a new word."
20th May 2017 03:29am
"Good ideas never stop developing, the story changes like it's alive sometimes as if the author has very little say as to how characters behave once they've been established."
9th April 2017 11:27am
"This is what the Alien franchise has started to explore on a cellular level, answering the most fundamental questions we've asked since day one when we were emerging from the caves; Where have we come from?"
21st March 2017 01:18am
"Ending your story is as important as starting it."
25th February 2017 01:52am
"I am still a fan of the original trilogy, my favourite of which is and always will be Episode Five - The Empire Strikes Back."
29th January 2017 04:41am
"Before I delve into how to turn these negative feelings right the way around, I will share with you my best rejection."
21st January 2017 08:31am
"This post should have been called; How NOT to write an article on WordPress."
19th January 2017 09:30am
"Language is one of Humanities greatest achievements - I agree with this statement."
15th December 2016 03:13am
"Creativity Evolved. Redefining Epic. Endless Possibility. Ambition Unlimited. Thinking Beyond. Expanding Minds."
16th December 2016 05:43am
"Why is it that Human beings have a space in their minds reserved for what is to be considered outrageous and totally unbelievable?"
18th November 2016 04:52am
"As promised my in-depth analysis of Episode One: The Ancestral Odyssey - The Utopian Dream, Volumes One, Two and Three is finally here."
3rd October 2016 07:24pm
"In all honesty, the hardest part of writing is the marketing. Whether you have Self-Published or Traditionally Published, you are going to have to do most of the marketing yourself."
8th September 2016 12:53pm
"I encourage you to follow your dreams, keep yourself well but always nurture your talents. Do not feel pressured by society or suffer those around you who make you feel less adequate."
19th August 2016 07:52pm
"The best way I've found to address an issue of importance or an error, is to start from where the mistake was first made. So lets begin."
23rd July 2016 01:07pm
"Write what you know and write what you love, why stray to do something other than what you are passionate about?"
9th July 2016 03:35pm
"Why is the Rejection folder my favourite folder you ask? Because everyone who ends up in this folder is someone who cannot see the potential in your work."
13th June 2016 01:13am
"I want to bring something new to the table, I want to show you something you've never seen before."
28th April 2016 06:08pm
"A great artist is never happy with their work."
16th April 2016 01:41am
"As you grow as a person, so does your writing, this can be annoying, because when you finish a chapter or sketch of your world and feel like it cannot be improved upon, you're probably wrong."
26th March 2016 11:46pm
"Before we talk about the end results and future of this massive project, which will be in development for another decade at the very least, let me tell you about how it all came to be."
15th March 2016 03:40am